11 April 2008


By: Pizaro
Student of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
and IEC Branch of Pasar Rebo

Did you know? Corruption is a serious problem. Once, President of China Hu Jintao said, “Give 100 bullet to me, 99 for corruptors, and one for me, if I corrupted”. Everywhere corruption has broken life side. There is no economic stability, there is no welfare, law can be bought, and so on.
Beforehand, Soeharto government did it. I do not know why, money has been everything, until morality is ignored, when we were in difficult, the other people did corruption whether it hidely or openly. Whereas, Indonesia is known as a religious nation, although. As many corruption cases happened, we are known as the amoral nation, instead. We are disappoint.

Then how was about the attitude done of Indonesian nowadays? I think there is progress where now there is KPK. We also see role of big enough KPK, institutes which during the time seldom be touched, nowadays succeed to be touched and litigated. Such as Irawady Joenoes from Komisi Yudisial and Urip Tri Gunawan as a prosecutor at Kejaksaan Agung.

But role of KPK is also assessed side eye because only succeeding to return money at state under one triliun. Beside it, KPK is also assessed to chosen case, big cases do not be expressed seriously, like BLBI case.

Remember it. From corruption, it can cause the other case, such as bribing. Did you know Mulyana W. Kusuma case? It just was caused corruption especially mark up of ink project, initially.

Then, from corruption can caused poverty. BLBI case in Indonesia is a case who made us being poor. Imagine, there are trilliuns which is stolen by BLBI’s obligors. Whereas, society is so need money as many as it, because it can be used for increasing sector of micro trade.

Next, corruption also can drop Indonesia dignity in world. Many states becoming doubt to plan invesment in Indonesia. All foreign investors suspicious of the conducted of administration governance of Indonesia, because complicated bureaucracy.

To solve corruption problem, it needed to do serious and an integral approach from all side. First, I think, laws have to be uphold dispassionately. All attorney also have to dare to be consistent and behave in handling every case. If gone into effect law can generate effect discourage, certainly corruptors will think twice.

Second, bureaucracy system in governance must be done with tight audit, responsibility reporting in every performance has to be enclosed by evidence which is concrete.

Third, KPK have to behave dare to and do not select to choose each problem. And also dare to avoid lobbies. Because KPK here as tip of governmental lance and society.

Fourth, society have to take stand important in breaking corruption. Like slogan of KPK, see, against, reporting. In democratic era like this society, needn't be apprehensive of their action in reporting corruption case.

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